Are you a livestock farmer? Do you find the biogas solutions, a good idea for your farm?
Let us help you pro bono!
Andromachi Kalaouzi
Tel.: +30 231 041 1191
LinkedIn: ALFA Project
I am a qualified environmental engineer with a master's degree in energy systems. With a deep understanding of sustainable practices and a passion for renewable energy sources, I want to be the driving force behind the Greek hub's initiatives on biogas solutions in the livestock sector. Taking advantage of my expertise and knowledge in energy systems, I wish to play a key role in the development and implementation of innovative services that promote the adoption of biogas solutions in the Greek sector
Country profile: Greece
Social acceptance
• Average rating for the production of biogas from manure: 67.26.
• Respondents were least satisfied with the construction of a biogas plant using livestock manure within 500m of their home.
• Majority of respondents would require compensation if a biogas plant was constructed next to their home.
Support needs
Business support needs: access to finance support, administrative support, and support to overcome potential opposition by groups of citizens.
Technical support needs: consultancy on the implementation and monitoring of biogas solutions and assessment of the potential of biogas solutions.
Favourable conditions & enablers
Important factors for promoting the uptake of biogas technologies: public financial support schemes, and funding of research, development and demonstration projects.
Favourable conditions: policy incentives and legal conditions. Less favourable conditions: market and social conditions.
Technical barriers: lack of gas infrastructure, lack of access to technical knowledge, and technical constraints in collecting agriculture residue and animal manure, and dependency on imported materials.
Economic barriers: high investment costs, limited access to finance, and lack of subsidies and financial support.
Institutional barriers: lack of political support, unsupportive regulatory framework, and complex administrative and legal procedures.
Socio-cultural barriers: lack of information and awareness, low social acceptance, and resistance to change.
Environmental side-effects: odour complaints and impact on food security if energy crops substitute food crops.
Είσαι κτηνοτρόφος; Πιστεύεις πως το βιοαέριο είναι καλή λύση για την μονάδα σου;
Μπορούμε να σε βοηθήσουμε δωρεάν!
Ανδρομάχη Καλαούζη
Τηλέφωνο: +30 231 041 1191
LinkedIn: ALFA Project
Είμαι διπλωματούχος μηχανικός περιβάλλοντος με μεταπτυχιακό στα συστήματα ενέργειας. Με βαθιά κατανόηση των βιώσιμων πρακτικών και με πάθος για τις ανανεώσιμες πηγές ενέργειας, θέλω να αποτελέσω τον κινητήριο μοχλό για τις πρωτοβουλίες του ελληνικού κόμβου σχετικά με το βιοαέριο στον κτηνοτροφικό τομέα. Εκμεταλλευόμενη την ειδίκευση και τις γνώσεις μου στα ενεργειακά συστήματα επιθυμώ να διαδραματίσω καθοριστικό ρόλο στην ανάπτυξη και εφαρμογή καινοτόμων υπηρεσιών που προωθούν την υιοθέτηση λύσεων του βιοαερίου στον ελληνικό χώρο