Open Call
ALFA is offering free, customized support for biogas projects in the livestock sector, including business and technical assistance, mentoring, networking opportunities, and capacity-building activities.
The ALFA project aims to accelerate the adoption of biogas solutions, actively supporting over 50 projects in deploying biogas systems through demand-driven services in two rounds for a comprehensive and impactful engagement. We are glad to announce that the 2nd Open Call has just been launched. If you interested in biogas solutions in livestock sector, do not miss the opportunity to apply! Open until 31st January, 2025 17.00 CET!
Unleash Possibilities with Our Offerings
Unlock the Biogas Revolution in Livestock: Two Rounds free of charge Business and Technical Support!
Who can Apply
Livestock farmers with biogas plants, that want to improve an existing biogas system
Livestock farmers without biogas plants, that want to install a biogas system (level of readiness of investment)
Biogas plants using manure among other feedstock
Farmers associations that want to install/ improve biogas system
Energy community that wants to install / improve biogas system using manure among other feedstock
Stakeholders that are interested to invest in livestock farming with biogas solutions
Services Portfolio
Market Research
Identification of target market, Analysis of external environment (PESTLE), Market overview (quantification, trends, competitive analysis) and market attractiveness (Porter’s 5 forces).
Business Modelling and Planning
Development of innovative business models tailored to the participant’s needs and specificities (for the energy and the digestate), based on the Business Model Canvas methodology.
Corporate and Sustainable Finance
Assessment of the profitability of the potential investment made to implement/ improve a biogas system (IRR, ROI, NPV, CapEx, OpEx, etc.).
Access to Finance
Identification of European, regional and national financing opportunities to implement biogas technologies in livestock farming, with step-by-step directions on how to secure it.
Farmer to Farmer Advice
Mentorship and knowledge exchange from farmers (who already have been incorporated biogas solutions on their premises) among livestock farmers who are interested in such an activity (supported cases).
Concept design and development of biogas systems
The conceptual design includes critical aspects of biogas production such as the determination of plant size and design as well as the selection of appropriate technological solutions.
Evaluation of biogas potential based on preliminary calculations
Selection of suitable mixtures of substrates that will provide high biogas yield through the implementation of preliminary calculations. Biogas yield should be taken into consideration as it is highly associated with biogas productivity.
Energy and environmental analyses assessing the energy and carbon footprint across the life cycle
Evaluation of the environmental impacts stemming from biogas production through Life Cycle Analysis. LCA will contribute to the identification of the most environmentally damaging stages and investigate scenarios in terms of various critical parameters such as different feedstock types exploitation with respect to environmental aspects.
Consultancy on the implementation and monitoring of biogas solutions (including operation and maintenance training)
Contribution to the monitoring of biogas plants and to the organization of efficient operations. Interaction with the collaborating farmers to eliminate potential concerns and obstacles.
Technical support for farmers in the evaluation and comparison of plant suppliers’ quotes
Support the choice of optimal technical solution for biogas and biomethane production in their farm.
Technology Catalogue: Features of cleaning and upgrading e
A catalogue with various technologies for purifying and upgrading the biogas from an anaerobic digester.
How to apply
Online Form
The user fills-in a form online
with basic info for his/her project
Step 1: Register on the ALFA Engagement Platform.
Step 2: Confirm the registration through your e-mail.
Step 3: Fill in the short online application form and the Informed Consent Form.
Step 4: Confirm all the provided information sent to your e-mail
File Uploading
The user fills-in a form with basic info
for his/her project and upload the files
Step 1: Download the Application Form (incl. Informed Consent Form)
Step 2: Register on the ALFA Engagement Platform.
Step 3: Confirm the registration through your e-mail.
Step 4: Upload your file with all the information filled in.
Step 5: Confirm all the provided information sent to your e-mail
Please note that: Registration to the ALFA Engagement Platform is required to gain access for applying to ALFA support services.
There are no differences between the two ways of application, depend only on the users preferences.
More languages
Terms of Reference
Need more help?
Communicate with our Hub Managers in local languages.
What we need from you
Share your basic project information to define the current state along with your goals, as well as any detail relevant to the service.
Note: Please see our Privacy and Cookies Policy
1 Nov 2024 – 31 Jan 2025
Application period
3 Feb 2025 – 7 Feb 2025
Evaluation, selection and matching
10 Feb 2025 – 30 May 2025
Action plan, service povision and feedback
Selection Criteria
Replication potential
Level of innovation potential
Environmental Benefits
Women engagement
Geographical spread
Clear need for support
The selection process will assess the applicant projects solely on the objective selection criteria and not on any extraneous considerations or biases related to race, colour, age, or religion, or any other characteristic ensuring equal opportunities for all candidates.
A fair and transparent selection process provides every candidate with a fair and equal opportunity to compete for selection. Background checking through reference checks and identity checks help in keeping the selection process fair.
Selection Process
The above-mentioned criteria distinct from the eligibility requirements, but prove a transparent and fair selection process, ensuring equal opportunities for candidates. The commitment to transparency extends to conducting evaluations without biases related to race, colour, age, or religion, or any other characteristic ensuring equal opportunities for all candidates. The ALFA selection committee, compromised by the ten consortium partners, tasked to assess the projects of the abovementioned criteria. In this round of calls the twenty-five projects with the highest scoring are selected to engage further with the ALFA experts and receive ALFA market uptake support services.